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    What’s amazing about Karate is that, like most martial arts, it is so dynamic. Yes, it builds physical strength through weight training, stretching, hitting with impact, and cardiovascular training. It also sharpens the mind through memorization and new ways of seeing things. And it’s a ton of fun, and practically useful besides!

    Yet, there are so many other benefits that, perhaps, cannot be so immediately seen. Confidence, for example, is at the core of the art.

    This is a true confidence, which can only be built by being challenged and failing to meet those challenges. It is the strength of character, cultivated in the choices to get up one more time, to do the drill again, to push harder —knowing that you could and even probably will fail again—that leads to that deeper satisfaction when the goal is ultimately achieved. It develops an internal strength of spirit. As a student of Mahato Karate you will be tested in these and any number of other ways. And yet, you will also discover, sometimes to your own surprise, that you are more than up for the challenge.

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    And it’s this confidence in one’s own abilities through practice, application, and success, channeled through the lens of discipline, that leads to a depth of integrity. For the true karateka, the student of karate, follows the code of Bushido. The code is grounded in such lessons as “honor,” “humility,” “respect for all living things,” and “never strik[ing] an unjust blow.” This part of our culture at Mahato Karate is deeply important to us. For in our dojo, every student is a part of our family, respected and honored, respecting and honoring in turn. These tenets, in addition to the physical aspects of karate, give the art something deeper, an internal alignment that leads to inner peace and harmony. For there is no denying the grace and beauty of the art, its sometimes awe-inspiring speed and efficacy. As you move beyond the basics and deeper into your own karate training, you will find these same qualities enhanced and brought to the forefront in your own life. And we sincerely hope that you do decide to begin your Karate journey with us, at our world-recognized dojo. It would be our deep honor to welcome you into our Mahato Karate family, and help point the way for you to forge yourself into the Black belt of tomorrow. Thank you!

And we sincerely hope that you do decide to begin your Karate journey with us, at our world-recognized dojo. It would be our deep honor to welcome you into our Mahato Karate family, and help point the way for you to forge yourself into the Black belt of tomorrow. Thank you!

- The Mahato Karate Team

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