Teen/Adult Karate

Teen/Adult Karate


Teen/Adult Karate Mahato Karate for Teens and Adults is an age-appropriate program teaching Shuri-te Shaolin Karate. Our style originates in Okinawa, Japan, and is known for its fast and powerful techniques. Through safe, fun, and exciting Martial Arts challenges, we cultivate self-confidence, self-discipline, and provenly-effective self-defense. Classes are offered on Saturday mornings at 11:00am, and on Monday and Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm. Personal training classes are available, as well. As a student at Mahato Karate, you will learn these skills and more in the Shuri-te Shaolin tradition:
• Kihons (basic moves) – mastering the the building blocks of Shuri-te Shaolin Karate-do
• Kata (forms) – combining kihons with movement, discipline, and power
• Bunkai – practical self-defense applications of kihons and kata
• Kobudo – weapons-based training with an emphasis on bojutsu (bo staff), nunchaku (nunchucks), sai kobudo, tonfa kobudo, and iai-do/kenjutsu (samurai sword training)
• More advanced techniques of yukime (break-falling), aki jutsu (joint-locking), and kyusho jutsu (pressure point-hitting, which is only taught to higher-ranking Yudansha (black belt)).
The lessons, confidence, and skill set that training at Mahato Karate can provide you with will have lasting effects far beyond fitness, fun, and safety. At the heart of Mahato Karate is the idea of training of Body, Mind, and Spirit to ultimately achieve inner peace and harmony. Shihan Michael Graves, owner and head trainer of Mahato Karate in Wilmington, has a saying to emphasize the need for dedicated practice: “Learn once, practice 1,000 times. Practice 1,000 times to do once.” In other words, while the practical need for martial arts techniques may never present itself, once a person’s execution of those techniques is improved and eventually mastered, the benefits on and off the mat are manifold. Start your martial arts journey to earn your Black Belt at a world recognized dojo!