Karate for Teens and Adults

Karate for Teens and Adults

Karate for Teens and Adults

Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Time: 7:00 pm - 7:45 pm

Our system is known for its fast and powerful techniques:
Aki Jutsu (joint locking),
Kyusho Jutsu (pressure point hitting) which is taught to higher-ranking Yudansha (black belt).
Kobudo –– Weapons based training
Iai-do – Kenjutsu – Samurai Sword training.
Shuri-te / Shaolin Karate-do
Start your martial art journey to earn your Black Belt at a world recognized dojo.
Our Age Appropriate Beginner Programs empower the students ability to learn and develop new skills
  • Traditional Olympic Karate
  • Self Confidence
  • Age appropriate Karate lessons
  • Respect for themselves
  • Respect for others
  • Self Discipline
  • Self Defense
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