The Kidini Karate Heroes Program was created by Shihan Michael Graves, Frank Flora, and Thomas Stopyra in 2007. This widely-celebrated children’s Karate program, is age-appropriate for pre-school and elementary kids ages 3 to 8. Classes are offered Saturday mornings at 9:00am, Tuesday evenings at 5:45pm, and Thursday evenings at 5:45pm. This revolutionary program uses engaging music, and fun and relatable Kidini Karate characters and their stories to teach children provenly-effective martial arts self-defense techniques and bullying prevention. Lessons on kindness and compassion, and the cultivation of self-confidence and self-discipline are at the heart of this program, allowing it to have much farther-reaching impacts than just those of fitness, safety, and fun. Over the course of six weeks, your child will learn:
- Bully Prevention, compassion, and self-confidence
- Awareness and observation skills
- Safe-distancing
- Stranger awareness
- How to use their voice to escape danger
- Educating running/walking
- Safe zones, i.e. having a plan to reach safety
- The knowledge of when it’s right to fight Practiced in a traditional martial arts class setting, children receive lasting confidence and self-defense skills, all while having fun and staying healthy! Upon registration for the class, you will receive:
- Kidini Karate uniform
- Kidini Karate book and Instructor Manual for parents
- Zoom link for the Online/Virtual class option Students also receive a certificate of completion after every successfully completed lesson (eight certificates in total). After completing the full Kidini Karate Heroes Program, students also receive a complementary Kidini Karate belt, and our sincerest hopes that they will continue their karate journey with their friends here at Mahato Karate!